We invite to the First International Scientific Conference "Development in Business, Finance and Management" under the auspices of the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra, Prof. Ph.D. Wojciech Strzyżewski organized by the University of Zielona Góra and the University of West Bohemia from Pilsen.
It will be two days conference and there will be a possibility to listen to interesting presentations, exchange knowledge and experiences, and inspire discussions on current problems related to the development of enterprises, on going changes in finances and challenges in managing business entities.
We invite to publish research results in the journal "Management" on the following issues:
- the latest trends, methods and solutions in management and quality sciences,
- automation, robotization and digitization of business processes,
- application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in finance and accounting,
- challenges and threats resulting from the implementation of solutions based on artificial intelligence,
- accounting 5.0,
- use of econometrics in business and finance,
- application of game theory in business,
- digital transformation in logistics,
- automation of logistics processes,
- decision-making process based on the use of new technologies,
- using forecasting to make decisions,
- using forecasting to analyze the financial situation of enterprises to predict their bankruptcy,
- data analysis in management reporting,
- concepts of development of modern organizations,
- forms of cooperation between enterprises,
- sustainable development management,
- using GPT chat,
- competences of the future.